Designer Art Dolls & Plush Creatures



Hi everyone! I'm Ashley, the one and only creator behind Spookycutes. I've been a fiber artist for about ten years.

To explain a little further: Through Spookycutes, I create one-of-a-kind, designer art dolls and miniature plush art toys, all of which fall under the umbrella of being both spooky and cute. 

The origin for Spookycutes came from my desire to put a cute spin on creatures that are generally seen as scary, like vampires and werewolves, paired with my love for designer toys, which ultimately led to what Spookycutes is: art toys for people who appreciate and love the spooky side of things just as much as I do.

Spookycutes became what it is today from small beginnings. Around 2009 I decided to shift my focus from drawing here and there to taking up sewing as a hobby. I’ve always had a love for plush animals and toys, so I decided I would try to make them myself. While I continued to develop my skills and style, it turned into a side business. Finally in 2018 I could no longer juggle a day job along with the growing demand I was experiencing through Spookycutes, so I decided to take a risk and dedicate myself fully to my art!


All of the work I create is original and one of a kind. All patterns and designs are original to SpookyCutes.

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